Source code for pyanp.exmats

This is where we store standard examples of pairwise and supermatrices.

import pandas as pd
from pyanp.general import islist

# The dataframe storing the pairwise example matrices
PAIRWISE_EXS = pd.DataFrame(columns=["description", "keywords", "matrix", "size", "author"])
# The dataframe storing the supermatrix examples matrices
SUPERMATRIX_EXS = pd.DataFrame(columns=["description", "keywords", "matrix", "size", "author"])

def _clean_keywords(keywords):
    Cleans keywords for example matrices, to make sure they are easily searched

    :param keywords: The keywords sent to '_add_pairwise' or '_add_supermatrix'

    :return: A cleansed version, stripped and to lowercase, among other things.
    if keywords is None:
        return []
    if isinstance(keywords, str):
        #Only one keyword
        return [keywords.strip().lower()]
    elif islist(keywords):
        return [_clean_keywords(keyword) for keyword in keywords]
        return keywords

def _add_pairwise(name, description, keywords, mat, author=''):
    Adds a new pariwise example

    :param name: The unique id of this pairwise matrix example.

    :param description: A stringy description of the example

    :param keywords: A list of stringy keywords

    :param mat: The numpy matrix

    :param author: Optional author email

    global PAIRWISE_EXS
    if name in PAIRWISE_EXS.index:
        raise ValueError("Already had a pairwise example with that name")
    size = len(mat)
    keywords = _clean_keywords(keywords)
    PAIRWISE_EXS.loc[name]=[description, keywords, mat, size, author]

def _add_supermatrix(name, description, keywords, mat, author=''):
    Adds a new supermatrix example

    :param name: Unique string id of the example

    :param description: A string description

    :param keywords: A list of string keywords

    :param mat: The numpy matrix

    :param author: Optional string email of the contributor/author

    if name in SUPERMATRIX_EXS.index:
        raise ValueError("Already had a supermatrix example with that name")
    size = len(mat)
    keywords = _clean_keywords(keywords)
    SUPERMATRIX_EXS.loc[name]=[description, keywords,  mat, size, author]

[docs]def matrix_matching(df=None, description=None, keywords=None, size=None, author=None): ''' Finds matrices that match search criteria :param df: The dataframe to search through, either SUPERMATRIX_EXS or PAIRWISE_EXS if None we use SUPERMATRIX_EXS :param description: A substring to search through description :param keywords: A list of keywords to find :param size: The size :param author: The contributing author, a substring search :return: List of indices of the matches in the given dataframe ''' if df is None: global SUPERMATRIX_EXS df = SUPERMATRIX_EXS indices = list(df.index) if description is not None: description = description.lower() indices = [index for index in indices if description in df.loc[index, 'description'].lower()] if keywords is not None: if islist(keywords): for keyword in keywords: keyword = str(keyword).lower().strip() indices = [i for i in indices if keyword in df.loc[i, 'keywords']] elif isinstance(keywords, str): keywords = str(keywords).lower().strip() indices = [i for i in indices if keywords in df.loc[i, 'keywords']] if size is not None: indices = [i for i in indices if size == df.loc[i, 'size']] if author is not None: author = author.strip().lower() indices = [i for i in indices if author in df.loc[i, 'keywords']] return indices
[docs]def supermatrix_ex(name=None, description=None, keywords=None, size=None, author=None): ''' Find the supermatrix example that matches the conditions :param name: If not None, we find the single matrix with this name/id :param description: Substring search in description :param keywords: exact match keywords :param size: exact match size :param author: substring search author :return: A single numpy.array item if only one matches the constraint, or a panda.Series indexed by name or the resulting numpy.array s. ''' global SUPERMATRIX_EXS if name is not None: return SUPERMATRIX_EXS.loc[name,'matrix'] else: indices = matrix_matching(SUPERMATRIX_EXS, description, keywords, size, author) return SUPERMATRIX_EXS.loc[indices, 'matrix']
[docs]def pairwisematrix_ex(name=None, description=None, keywords=None, size=None, author=None): ''' Find the pairwise matrix example that matches the conditions :param name: If not None, we find the single matrix with this name/id :param description: Substring search in description :param keywords: exact match keywords :param size: exact match size :param author: substring search author :return: A single numpy.array item if only one matches the constraint, or a panda.Series indexed by name or the resulting numpy.array s. ''' global PAIRWISE_EXS if name is not None: return PAIRWISE_EXS.loc[name,'matrix'] else: indices = matrix_matching(PAIRWISE_EXS, description, keywords, size, author) return PAIRWISE_EXS.loc[indices, 'matrix']
from pyanp.exmatcontrib import *