Rating class

Class for all rating related things.

class pyanp.rating.Rating[source]

Represents rating a full group of alternatives for a group of users. The data is essentially a dataframe and a WordEval object to evaluate that to scores.

add_alt(alt_name, ignore_existing=True)[source]

Adds an alternative/s, by name

  • alt_name – A str name, or a list of names to add.
  • ignore_existing – If True and we try to add an existing alternative we simply skip by, otherwise we throw an error.



Adds one or more uses to this system.

Parameters:uname – The str name of the user to add, or a list of str names of users to add.
Returns:A list of str alternative names in this system. Ordered as the data in the ratings votes are ordered (columns).
is_alt(alt: str) → bool[source]

Tells if the item is an alternative

Parameters:alt – The name of the alternative to check for.
is_user(uname: str)[source]
Parameters:uname – The name of the user to check for
Returns:True/False if the given user exists in the system.
nalts() → int[source]
Returns:The number of alternatives in this system.
nusers() → int[source]

The number of users in this system.

Returns:The number of users
priority(username=None, ptype: pyanp.prioritizer.PriorityType = None)[source]

Calculates the alternative priority for the specified user/users and the given normalizer type.

  • username – The name (this of names) of the user (users) to get the overall priority of. If None, then we return the total group average.
  • ptype – How should we normalize?

A pandas.Series whose index is self.alt_names() and whose values are the priorities.


Sets the WordEval object

Parameters:param – This could either be a WordEval object, or a something that WordEval(param) would work with
Returns:A list of str names of users in this system. Ordered as the data in the ratings votes are ordered (the rows).
vote_column(alt_name, votes, createUnknownUsers=True)[source]

Specifies all votes (across all users) for a specific alternative.

  • alt_name – The name of the alternative to set the data for
  • votes – Should either be a list with self.nusers() items, or a pandas.Series or dict with usernames as index.
  • createUnknownUsers – If True and unknown users appear in the index of votes, we will create those users before trying to do the assignment.


vote_values(username=None, alt_name=None)[source]

Gets the numeric vote values for the given user/alternative (or whole column or dataframe).

  • username – If None, we get the values for all users. If a list get the values for each user in the list, or it could just be a single username.
  • alt_name – Either None, meaing get it for all alternatives, or a single alternative name (to get one column).

If username=None and alt_name=None, returns a pandas.DataFrame of the numeric values. Otherwise returns a pandas.Series of values as the result.

class pyanp.rating.WordEval(vals)[source]

Information for a Word Evaluator, i.e. a function that inputs a word and outputs a numeric value.


Evaluates a word, or a pandas.Series of words.

Parameters:word – The string word to evaluate to a number, or a pandas.Series of data.
Returns:The float value if we can evaluate, or None if a single value is passed in. If the word was actually a pandas.Series, we return a pandas.Series with the same index.

Find the key word for this word. A WordEval has a list of words that represent different levels/numerical values. Those words are called keys. In addition, each key has a list of synonyms. For instance the keyword “high” might have a synonym “hi” or “h”. In that case get_key(“hi”) would return “high”.

Parameters:word – The word to look up a synonym for.
Returns:The key if this word is a key or a synonym. If it is not a synonym or key, we return None.

This function tells us how well this WordEval interprets a list of words. It is used for searhcing through the “standard list” of words to find the best match for a data set.

Parameters:word_list – The list-like of words to see how we can match.
Returns:A score <= 1. A positive number means no missing words, i.e. every word in word_list has a value in this WordEval object. The larger number means our word_list uses more of the names in this WordEval object.
class pyanp.rating.WordEvalType[source]

What kind of WordEval will we use.

pyanp.rating.best_std_word_evaluator(list_of_words, return_name=True)[source]

Finds the WordEval in STD_WORD_EVALUATOR that best matches the list of words

  • list_of_words – The list of words to look for best matches of
  • return_name – Should we return the best WordEval or its name in the STD_WORD_EVALUATOR.

The name of the best match, or the best match WordEval

pyanp.rating.clean_word(word: str) → str[source]

Cleans a word before subjecting it to ratings lookup

Parameters:word – The word to clean.
Returns:The sanitized word